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China bell

China bell
The Astra Platycodon grandiflorum, or China Bell, dovetails nicely with the current romantic trend. It has large star-shaped flowers and is available in three colors: white, pink and blue. The curious globular buttons are also very decorative. This plant is very versatile. As long as you put it in a sunny spot will enjoy much of it. You will be comfortable both in the classroom, or on the terrace and the garden! Remove spent flowers and old leaves to keep a plant healthy and long flowering. In September, when flowering has finished Astra, can be planted in the garden.
The range is sold from early May until late August.
Also available in the months of March, April and September, though on a smaller scale. In China, Platycodon grandiflorus has a history of over 2000 years as a medicinal herb. Current clinical trials have also shown their efficiency. Today the plant is used in large-scale patent medicines by pharmaceutical companies. Substances in the roots lower the level of blood sugar and cholesterol in the liver.

Price : 25,24 €

PVP : 29,78 €

Stock : 69 
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