Catalog » Tools » Orchard and garden
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Espaņol Ingles
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ABO - shovel handle, knob
ABO - shovel handle, knob
Mango: 1m Handle knob, 1st quality ash
Features: Ideal for turning the earth of the garden.
Position: Traditional Outils Wolf Range.

25,71 €
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AXT - Laya grip handle Lightweight
AXT - Laya grip handle Lightweight
4 teeth flat, triangular
Handle: 85cm T-handle, 1st quality ash
Working Width: 17.5 cm

63,01 €
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BA130 - Scarifier shank
BA130 - Scarifier shank
3 sharp prongs
Mango: 1.30m selected knotless pine

33,91 €
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Multi-Star Grower
Multi-Star Grower
Specially designed to work in narrow rows and flower beds.
Space saving: tools and handles are interchangeable.

40,64 €
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Multi-Star Lump
Multi-Star Lump
Allows loosening the soil before planting, prepare the land makes the germination and plant growth.

67,85 €
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Small planter with handle
Small planter with handle
Holes adjustable from 0 to 7x10mm.
Economic and practical, it is clear to see the content permanently.
Sleeving without screw or nail.
Optimal penetration angle.

66,42 €
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